• Top 5 borehole water pump brands in Kenya | Pumps Africa

    by admin on 2022-08-22 02:10:02

    D rilled boreholes are vital to achieving universal, clean drinking water and meeting Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6.1, particularly in Africa. Over 75% of the African population is estimated to depend on ground water. The reliance on groundwater has made water well drilling extremely im

  • Equipment Reliability in Wastewater | Pumps & Systems

    by admin on 2022-08-22 02:08:03

    How can pump equipment reliability in wastewater treatment plants be measured and improved?

    The reliability of pumps is often looked at by the number of failures in a given time as a starting point. This led to the use of the acronym MTBR (mean time between repair), which is an all-encom

  • Sapphire Coast's Oyster Trail @ Not Quite Nigella

    by admin on 2022-08-22 02:07:57

    The Sapphire Coast is one of the shiniest jewels on the South Coast of New South Wales. Located halfway between Sydney and Melbourne visitors can get lost with wildly beautiful landscapes, walk along gorgeous sandy beaches and stop by historic towns. But heads up oyster lovers - not only can

  • Guide to Reading a Positive Displacement Pump Curve | Pumps & Systems

    by admin on 2022-08-22 02:07:51

    Positive displacement (PD) pump technologies vary, as do the curves for these pumps. A person without significant exposure to pump selection is often experienced only with centrifugal pump curves. Therefore, it can be frustrating to get the data required from a positive displacement curve.

  • First Electric Fire Trucks Are On Their Way To Fire Departments

    by admin on 2022-08-22 02:07:17

    The fire service vehicle manufacturer Rosenbauer recently unveiled three pioneering electric fire trucks - called “Revolutionary Technology” (RT) - which soon will begin real-world customer testing in Berlin, Amsterdam and Dubai. It took three years to come to this point.

    The plug-in

  • Now the cooler kept in the junk will also become AC!Just try this trick, then say hi instead of hot - Uff how cold it is... - Times Bull

    by admin on 2022-08-22 02:06:34

    Stookin 9V DC Submersible Pump Motor Stookin 9V DC Submersible Pump Motor is a hobby kit that blocks water and thereby cools the cooler air.Its name is also Aluminum Water Cooling Block.This device is completely made of aluminum and using this motor you can cool the water.Stookin 9V DC Submersibl

  • Pump industry sees a de-growth of 20% - The Hindu

    by admin on 2022-08-22 02:06:01

    Photo used for representational purpose only.

    The pump industry saw a de-growth of 20% in terms of volume in 2021-2022 as the cost of manufacturing increased 45%, according to outgoing president of Southern India Engineering Manufacturers’ Association (SIEMA) K.V. Karthik.


  • Shipowners choose Svanehøj pumps for LNG-fuelled car carriers | Seatrade Maritime

    by admin on 2022-08-22 02:06:00

    Seatrade Maritime is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC

    This site is operated by a business or businesses owned by Informa PLC and all copyright resides with them. Informa PLC's registered office is 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG. Registered in England and Wales. Number

  • Kettering floods in pictures | Northamptonshire Telegraph

    by admin on 2022-08-22 02:04:48

    All the 2022 A-Level results from across Corby, Kettering, Wellingborough and North Northamptonshire

    Broughton thug left wife cowering in the corner

    Householders are counting the cost as flood water poured into homes in parts of Kettering after torrential rain hit the area last nig

  • Installing ABS irrigation schemes in Kenya

    by admin on 2022-08-22 02:04:42

    Long-term water shortages and an aging infrastructure system mean Kenya is in need of new water supply facilities. Local institutions came together to begin the refurbishment and reinstallation of effective pumping systems, beginning with a rice irrigation scheme. Aft